Thursday, 18 May 2017

Purple Hibiscus Essay Preparation

Make a list of the main characters of the novel
For each character think about their personality, their interactions with the other characters and what
message/theme/idea they convey
Search the novel for key quotes that help you define each character. Find at least one quote for each
argument you want to make about a character. You should compare and contrats multiple quotes from
different parts of the novel
Annotate your novel by using post-its or another method to facilitate finding your quotes during the

You can make short notes in your novel but I will check each book before the exam

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

The Past Perfect Simple and the Past Perfect Continuous

Research each of these tenses.
For each tense say:

1-How to form it

2- When to use it. You must give clear situations in which you would use it.

3- Write examples about yourself on small pieces of paper. Do not show anyone what you have written.These must be true facts about yourself but try to talk about things that the others will not know about you.